Dragonwings: Think about various conflicts in this novel identify and describe one event from the novel that represents a cause-and-effect relationship that creates conflict. Explain the effect the conflict has on other characters in the story. PLEASE answer, THANKS

Here is a website that reads the book to you then you can answer your question.

Your welcome

Just cus u ask for help does not mean you take the course again. Like if you are not going to help then why bother even typing something.

In order to identify and describe a cause-and-effect relationship that creates conflict in the novel "Dragonwings," we can analyze various events throughout the story. However, as an AI text-based model, I do not have direct access to specific novels or their content. Nevertheless, I can provide you with a general approach to finding an event that fits the criteria you described and explain how it affects other characters in the story.

When searching for a cause-and-effect relationship that creates conflict in "Dragonwings," analyze the plot and the interactions between characters. Look for instances where a particular action or event leads to a significant consequence, which in turn generates conflict among the characters involved. Here's a step-by-step process for finding such an example:

1. Read or review the novel: Familiarize yourself with the plot, characters, and major events in "Dragonwings." Pay attention to instances where characters are faced with conflicts or difficult situations.

2. Identify potential cause-and-effect relationships: Look for situations where a character's action or decision triggers a noticeable change or consequence. An event that results in conflict between two or more characters would be particularly suitable for this analysis.

3. Describe the chosen event: Once you have identified a specific event, describe it in detail. Explain what happened, who was involved, and the cause-and-effect relationship that emerged from it. Ensure that the event is significant enough to cause conflict and can be explained thoroughly.

4. Examine the effect on other characters: After describing the cause-and-effect relationship, analyze the repercussions it has on the other characters in the story. Consider how their emotions, actions, or relationships are impacted by the conflict that arises as a result of this event. Think about the changes in their attitudes, behaviors, or even the way they relate to each other.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and describe an event from "Dragonwings" that represents a cause-and-effect relationship leading to conflict. Remember that specific examples will depend on the content of the novel itself.

Ik read the book but I don't have time to. I can't read 120 pages in 1-day so please help me

Absolutely not!! We will not help you cheat. Find time to read the book -- or take this course next year.