What is the probability of not rolling a 5 on a die?


It's 1 if you don't actually roll the die ...


find the probability of not rplling a5 on a die

It's 5/6

Well, the probability of not rolling a 5 on a die is actually 5 out of 6, so your answer is as spot-on as a clown trying to juggle with watermelons! Good job!

To determine the probability of not rolling a 5 on a die, we first need to understand the total number of possible outcomes and the number of successful outcomes.

A regular die has 6 sides labeled with the numbers 1 to 6. Each side has an equal chance of being rolled, so there are 6 possible outcomes in total.

To calculate the number of successful outcomes (not rolling a 5), we subtract the number of unsuccessful outcomes (rolling a 5) from the total number of possible outcomes.

There is only one side of the die with the number 5. Therefore, there is only 1 unsuccessful outcome (rolling a 5) out of the 6 possible outcomes.

Subtracting the number of unsuccessful outcomes (1) from the total number of possible outcomes (6) gives us the number of successful outcomes (not rolling a 5): 6 - 1 = 5.

Finally, we calculate the probability by dividing the number of successful outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes: 5/6.

So, the correct answer is: 5/6
