Brenda spent half her money at a store in the mall. At another store, she spent half of her remaining money and $6 more. She has $2 left. How much did Brenda have when she arrived at the mall?

1/2x - 1/4x - 6 = 2

Solve for x.

Brenda had $X.

x - x/2 = x/2 remaining.
x/2 - 1/2*x/2 - 6 = x/2 - x/4 - 6 = x/4 - 6 remaining.

x/4 - 6 = 2.
X = $32.

To solve this problem, we need to work backwards and find out how much Brenda had when she arrived at the mall. Let's go step by step:

1. We know that Brenda has $2 left after making her purchases.

2. Before making her last purchase, Brenda spent half of her remaining money and $6 more. This means that after the second purchase, Brenda had $2 + $6 = $8.

3. Now we need to go back one more step. Brenda spent half of her remaining money at the first store. If she had $8 after the second purchase, then her remaining money before the second purchase was $8 * 2 = $16.

4. Before making any purchases, Brenda had half of her original money. So, her original money was $16 * 2 = $32.

Therefore, Brenda had $32 when she arrived at the mall.