How did south east Asia geography contribute to the regions economic development?

A. Much of south east Asia is separated from the rest of Asia by high mountains, making it difficult place to invade?

B. Mini south east Asian countries depending on the plentiful go to ply to make the Mofym mini south east Asian countries depending on the plentiful go to apply to make them wealthy

C. Some south Asian Asian countries commanded important waterways and controlled rich trade routes

D. Mini south eastern Asian countries were easily assessable by monks and therefore adopted Buddhist culture

sue you're so useless

The correct answer is:

C. Some South Asian countries commanded important waterways and controlled rich trade routes.

South East Asia's geography contributed to the region's economic development through its strategic location and access to important waterways. Several South Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, are located along major trade routes. This allowed them to control and benefit from the trade passing through their territories, thus contributing to their economic growth.

These countries have access to the Strait of Malacca, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Additionally, countries like Singapore and Malaysia are situated along the important sea routes that connect Europe, the Americas, and East Asia. As a result, these nations have been able to establish themselves as major trading hubs and attract significant foreign investments.

Overall, the geography of South East Asia, with its strategic waterways and trade routes, has played a crucial role in the economic development of the region.

Option C is the correct answer. Some South East Asian countries commanded important waterways and controlled rich trade routes, which contributed to the region's economic development.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the given options:

A. Much of South East Asia is separated from the rest of Asia by high mountains, making it a difficult place to invade. While this geography provided a level of protection, it did not directly contribute to the region's economic development.

B. The availability of plentiful natural resources, such as timber, could potentially contribute to the wealth of some South East Asian countries. However, this option seems to have been cut off and is incomplete.

C. This option states that some South East Asian countries commanded important waterways and controlled rich trade routes. This geography benefited the region's economic development as it facilitated trade and commerce, attracting merchants and boosting the economy.

D. The accessibility of South East Asian countries by monks and their adoption of Buddhist culture, while influential in shaping the cultural and religious aspects of the region, did not directly contribute to the economic development.

Therefore, the correct option is C. Some South East Asian countries commanded important waterways and controlled rich trade routes.

B makes no sense.

What is your answer?