Which of the following is the best example of how many Pacific islands have adapted to a mix of different ethnic groups?

They have developed national pidgin languages.

They have populations where immigrants make up the majority.

They practice traditional forms of art, dance, and music.*****

They use many modern technologies, such as computers.

can someone please check my answer? I really need this correct this is the final test of the school year, I'm not asking for the question I just got confused and am not sure if my answer is correct, thank you!



I think there's a better answer. Be sure you know the meanings of all of the words.

I mean I would think it would be that because an ethnic group is a group of people from the same religous backround :/

it could also be A because of their culture they could have different languages

Practicing traditional dances, etc. probably celebrates only one ethnic group. But if there are several ethnic groups and languages, they need ways to communicate with each other.

that is true so that would knock out c so, the answer would be A, am I correct?

To determine the best example of how many Pacific islands have adapted to a mix of different ethnic groups, we can evaluate the options provided.

A. Developing national pidgin languages: This is a common phenomenon in some Pacific islands. Pidgin languages are creole languages that develop as a means of communication between groups that do not share a common language. While this does indicate adaptation to different ethnic groups, it may not necessarily be the best example.

B. Having populations where immigrants make up the majority: This could be a possible scenario in some Pacific islands, but without specific information about the islands in question, it is difficult to determine if this is a common adaptation.

C. Practicing traditional forms of art, dance, and music: This option suggests that Pacific islands have adapted by embracing and maintaining their indigenous cultural practices. By practicing traditional forms of art, dance, and music, they can showcase their rich heritage while also incorporating elements from different ethnic groups. This option appears to be the best example, as it highlights cultural adaptation.

D. Using many modern technologies, such as computers: While the use of modern technologies may indicate some level of adaptation to technological advancements, it does not specifically address the adaptation to a mix of different ethnic groups.

Based on the options provided, option C (practicing traditional forms of art, dance, and music) is the best example of how many Pacific islands have adapted to a mix of different ethnic groups. However, it's important to note that consulting relevant sources or educational materials specific to the topic will provide the most accurate answer for your final test.