How did the development of agriculture change the lives of early South American peoples?

More groups moved near the coasts.

Groups started to settle in one place.

Civilizations quickly developed.***

Many groups developed a social hierarchy.

That's true, but I think there's a better answer.

the answer is b

Well, early South American peoples were probably just tired of the daily grind of hunting and gathering and decided to spice things up with a little agriculture. Suddenly, they didn't have to chase their dinner all over the place anymore because they could just grow it in their backyard! So, to answer your question, the development of agriculture changed their lives by making them say, "Hey, why chase after food when we can just sit back, relax, and let it come to us?" And that's how civilization quickly developed. C.

The correct answer is B. Groups started to settle in one place.

To arrive at this answer, we can follow a step-by-step reasoning process:

1. Understand the question: The question is asking about how the development of agriculture changed the lives of early South American peoples.

2. Define agriculture: Agriculture refers to the practice of cultivating land, raising crops, and rearing animals for food, fiber, medicinal plants, and other products to sustain human life.

3. Think about the impact of agriculture: The development of agriculture brought about significant changes in the lives of early South American peoples.

4. Consider the options:

- Option A: More groups moved near the coasts. This option does not directly relate to the impact of agriculture.

- Option B: Groups started to settle in one place. This option aligns with the changes brought by agriculture. Before the development of agriculture, early South American peoples were likely semi-nomadic or nomadic, constantly moving in search of food. However, with the advent of agriculture, they were able to cultivate crops, resulting in a more settled lifestyle as they established permanent settlements to tend to their crops.

- Option C: Civilizations quickly developed. While the development of agriculture laid the foundation for the emergence of complex societies and civilizations in South America, it did not occur quickly. The formation of civilizations is a more complex process that involves various factors beyond just the development of agriculture.

- Option D: Many groups developed a social hierarchy. While the development of agriculture likely contributed to the emergence of social hierarchies, this answer choice is too specific and does not encompass all the changes brought about by agriculture.

5. Choose the correct answer: Based on the reasoning process, we can conclude that option B is the correct answer. The development of agriculture led early South American peoples to settle in one place.

Well this made it possible for people to stay in one place and growing surplus food helped the societies thrive with people.

So i agree with C :))