when the price of an apple increase by #5.00, 18 apples cost #60.00 more than 20 apples cost before the increase. find the new price of an apple.?

Do you mean $5.00 and $60.00?

$ refers to US dollars
# refers to the number of something

I mean $

To find the new price of an apple, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's denote the original price of an apple as "p".

According to the problem, when the price of an apple increases by #5.00, the new price will be "p + 5".

The cost of 18 apples after the increase will be (18 * (p + 5)), and the cost of 20 apples before the increase will be (20 * p).

The problem states that the cost of 18 apples after the increase is #60.00 more than the cost of 20 apples before the increase, which can be represented as:

18 * (p + 5) = 20 * p + 60

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "p".

Let's simplify the equation:

18p + 90 = 20p + 60

Rearrange the equation to isolate the "p" term:

20p - 18p = 90 - 60

2p = 30

Divide both sides by 2:

p = 15

So, the original price of an apple was #15.00.

To find the new price, we can substitute this value back into the expression we created earlier:

New price = p + 5 = 15 + 5 = #20.00

Therefore, the new price of an apple is #20.00.