If a man with blood type B, one whose parents had blood type O, marries a woman with blood type AB, what will be the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type B?

punnett square?

To determine the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type B, we need to understand the possible blood types of each parent and then use Punnett squares to calculate the probabilities.

Given information:
- Man's blood type: B
- Man's parents' blood types: O
- Woman's blood type: AB

It is important to note that blood type A and B are dominant over blood type O, and blood type AB is co-dominant.

Possible blood types of man's gametes:
Since the man's blood type is B, he can contribute either a B allele or an O allele when producing sperm. Therefore, the man's gametes can be either B or O.

Possible blood types of woman's gametes:
Since the woman's blood type is AB, she can contribute either an A allele or a B allele when producing eggs. Therefore, the woman's gametes can be either A or B.

Punnett Square:
Let's create a Punnett square to determine the possible combinations of alleles when the man and woman produce offspring.

| B | O |
AB | AB | AO |
AB | AB | AO |

From the Punnett square, we can see that all the children will have the genotype of either AB or AO.

Calculating the percentages:
To determine the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type B (genotype BB or BO), we need to count the number of outcomes from the Punnett square that result in a B allele.

From the Punnett square, we can see that out of the four possible combinations:
- Two combinations (AB and AB) will result in blood type AB.
- Two combinations (AO and AO) will result in blood type AO.

Therefore, none of their children will have blood type B.

In conclusion, the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type B is 0%.

To determine the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type B, we need to understand the inheritance patterns of blood types.

Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. There are four main blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Each blood type can be further classified as positive (+) or negative (-), depending on the presence or absence of the Rh factor.

The ABO blood type system is primarily based on three alleles: A, B, and O. Alleles are alternative forms of a gene that occupy the same position (locus) on a specific chromosome.

Let's analyze the given information:

Man's Blood Type: B
His Parents' Blood Type: O

The man's blood type is B, so he has the B allele. Since his parents have blood type O, they must have two copies of the O allele. This means that the man's genotype is BO (B from the father, O from the mother).

Woman's Blood Type: AB

The woman's blood type is AB, so she has both the A and B alleles. Her genotype is AB.

Now, let's consider the potential genotypes and phenotypes of their children:

Since the man carries the B allele (BO) and the woman carries both A and B alleles (AB), the possible blood type combinations for their children are:

Child 1: BO (blood type B) from the father, AB (blood type AB) from the mother
Child 2: BO (blood type B) from the father, AO (blood type A) from the mother

Therefore, there is a 50% chance each for their children to have blood type B (BO genotype).

In conclusion, the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type B is 50%.

OBxAB= OA, OB, BA,BB Blood type B, 2/4; blood type A 1/4; blood type A,1/2, type O, 0/4