Read the sentence.

The magnitude of the Supreme Court's ruling may not be fully understood for some time.

Which is a synonym of "magnitude" as it is used in the sentence?
A. consequence
B. justice
C. dimension
D. proportion

I think the answer is either C)dimension or D)proportion ?

Which one?

I don't know which one, I can't decide between the two.

What is the answer?

To determine the synonym of "magnitude" as it is used in the sentence, we can examine the context and meaning of the word. In the given sentence, "magnitude" refers to the extent or importance of the Supreme Court's ruling. It suggests that the ruling's impact is significant and will take time to be fully comprehended. With this understanding, we can assess the options:

A) "Consequence" seems to be a reasonable synonym of "magnitude" in this context, as both words relate to the importance or significance of an event or action.

B) "Justice" does not hold the same meaning as "magnitude" and is therefore not a synonym in this context.

C) "Dimension" can also be a valid synonym because it represents the size or extent of something, which aligns with the concept of magnitude.

D) "Proportion" does not accurately capture the same meaning as "magnitude" in this sentence, as it typically refers to the relationship between different parts within a whole.

Based on the given options, both "consequence" (A) and "dimension" (C) could work as synonyms of "magnitude" in this context. Therefore, either A or C could be the correct answer.