For questions 2 and 3, simplify each polynomial.

2. 3x^2+6-2x+5x-4x^2+9
a. -x^2+3x+15
b. 7x^2+3x+3
c. x^2-3x+15
d. -x^2+7x+15

3. 4x^2+8x-11x+6-5x^2+2
a. -x^2-3x+8
b. -x^2+3x+8
c. x^2-3x+8
d. x^2+3x+8
Please, i need help with the Lesson 7: Polynomials and properties of exponents unit test. 8th grade, i need my grade up so i can get off probation. Please someone. Who has done the test... Help me?



100% totally right for uca 2022 algebra

does anyone know the answers for the connections academy short answer questions for 8th grade math lesson 8 Init 5? i lowkey really need help

anyone? I just need help...

thank you so much @Reiny

here are the questions

17. A bag contains 10 white golf balls and 6 striped golf balls. A golfer wants to add 112 gold balls to the bag. He wants the ratio of white to striped golfballs to remain the same. How many of each should he add?

18. The coordinates of quadrilateral VWXY are given below. Find the coordinates of its image after a dilation with the given scale factor
V((6,2), W(-2,4), X(-3,-2), Y(3,-5), scale factor of 2

19. Tell whether the pair of polygons is similar. Explain why or why not.
PQ - 8ft
QR - 13ft (this is for the bigger polygon)
RS - 8ft
SP - 13 ft

(then it goes to the smaller polygon which is..)

TU - 5.2 ft
UV - 2.4
VW - 5.2
WT - 2.4



-these are the correct answers for Unit 6: Polynomials and Properties of Exponents Just toke
test! ( •̀ ω •́ )y

2. 3x^2+6-2x+5x-4x^2+9

a. -x^2+3x+15
b. 7x^2+3x+3
c. x^2-3x+15
d. -x^2+7x+15

First we simplify the polynomial by combining the like terms.

3x^2 - 4x^2 - 2x + 5x + 6 + 9 = -x^2 + 3x + 15

Therefore, the answer is (a) -x^2+3x+15.

3. 4x^2+8x-11x+6-5x^2+2

a. -x^2-3x+8
b. -x^2+3x+8
c. x^2-3x+8
d. x^2+3x+8

First we simplify the polynomial by combining the like terms.

4x^2 - 5x^2 + 8x - 11x + 6 + 2 = -x^2 - 3x + 8

Therefore, the answer is (a) -x^2-3x+8.