XYZ Oil Company has consistently lost $8 million each year for the past 7 years. Express the total loss as an integer.

A) $8 million
B) -$8 million
C) $48 million
D) -$56 million

mmmhhh, I wonder what 7 times 8 is ?


To express the total loss as an integer, we need to consider the consistent loss of $8 million over the past 7 years. Since the company has lost $8 million each year for 7 years, we can calculate the total loss by multiplying $8 million by 7.

Using the multiplication operation, we get:
$8 million x 7 = $56 million

Therefore, the correct answer is option D) -$56 million, as the company has lost a total of $56 million over the 7-year period.