I have 1.62 but I need to have 4 sig figs not 3

Please help what do I do

To convert 1.62 to have 4 significant figures, you have to determine which digits are significant and which are not. Significant figures are the digits that convey meaningful information in a number.

In the given number, "1.62," there are three significant figures: "1", "6", and "2." To increase the number of significant figures to four, you need to add a trailing zero. However, the placement of the zero is important.

Since the zero is after the decimal point, it becomes significant, and the number becomes "1.620." Now, it has four significant figures, namely "1", "6", "2", and "0."

So, by adding a trailing zero after the last digit, you can convert "1.62" to have four significant figures, which is "1.620."