“Everybody is just walking along concerned with his own problems, his own life, his own worries. And we’re all expecting other people to tune into our own agenda.”

Think about the how this theme is developed through the characters’ words and actions in the novel. Decide which character best illustrates this theme. Support your position using specific examples and evidence from the novel.

But I'm not totally sure how to answer it so can I just have some ideas so I can get an idea off of it to make my own answer

What do the characters say and do that show they are mostly concerned about their own problems.

Read the book -- or reread it. I know nothing about your specific book.

The book is walking two moons in chapters they want us to read whatever it read is 15 through 18

To analyze how the theme of self-centeredness and the expectation of others tuning into one's own agenda are developed through the characters' words and actions in the novel, you need to closely examine their interactions and behaviors. By observing these, you can identify the character who best illustrates this theme. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this analysis:

1. Read the novel: Start by carefully reading the entire novel to gain a comprehensive understanding of the characters and their roles.

2. Identify relevant characters: Pay attention to the different characters in the novel, focusing on their personality traits, actions, and dialogue. Look for instances where they prioritize their own problems, lives, and worries over others' concerns.

3. Document character evidence: Take notes about specific examples and evidence that demonstrate each character's self-centered behavior and the expectation of others tuning into their agenda. Look for patterns of behavior that repeatedly reflect this theme.

4. Analyze character motivations: Deepen your understanding of each character's motivations and underlying reasons for behaving in a self-centered manner. Consider their backgrounds, values, and personal experiences that may have shaped their attitudes.

5. Compare and contrast characters: Evaluate the different characters against one another, considering the extent to which they exemplify the theme. Look for characters who consistently exhibit self-centered behavior, demand attention, and disregard the needs of others.

6. Support your position: Choose the character who you believe best illustrates the theme. Provide specific examples and evidence from the novel to validate your decision. Reference instances where this character has an ongoing pattern of self-focused actions, expectations of others, and a lack of empathy for others' concerns.

By following these steps, you can critically analyze the characters in the novel to determine which one best exemplifies the theme of self-centeredness and the expectation of others tuning into their own agenda. Remember to quote specific examples and evidence from the novel to build a strong argument to support your position.

I know some reason I can tell you chapter 15 South Dakota is so hot that Gramps Graham and sell pull over to cool off in Missouri River Stella remembers how her mother cut off her hair long black likes hours before she left South swept up and hid it beneath the floorboards of her room where it remains South father asks how not to cut her hair

chapter 16 sting tree Grandma Lisa's the next morning due to being in or knee the boy Tom flick gives sell his name and address hearing birds singing in the trees outside sales recalls her singing tree banks
17 is about Sal resuming her story she lies to phobe saying she lives with her mother Miss Cabot AR who killed her father when fo rudely and reject her tearful mother's loving attention sell regretfully recalls how she rudely rejected her own mother is repeated requests to go for a walk on her day before she left
the summary for 18 the good Mansell describes Our Father John the only son who's in comparison is not angry and always did kind. Full things for other sugar said she need to leave to learn about what she was in and insisted for her name isn't sugar its a name that starts with the c but I can't pronounce it

Go to www.shmoop.com and look this book up. You may get some ideas there.