How is the pronoun in bold letters used? you can have the job if you know how to type. A.subject B.Direct object C.predicate nominative

Direct object

The pronoun in bold, "you," is used as a subject in the given sentence. A subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is being described in a sentence. In this case, "you" is the subject because it refers to the person being addressed.

The pronoun "you" in the given sentence is used as the subject. It is referring to the person being addressed or spoken to. To identify the role of "you" in the sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the entire sentence: "You can have the job if you know how to type."

2. Identify the verb: In this case, the verb is "can have." It indicates the possibility of possessing the job.

3. Determine the subject: The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. In this sentence, "you" is the pronoun acting as the subject.

So, in this context, the pronoun "you" is used as the subject of the sentence because it is the one who is capable of having the job.

Which is the pronoun?