Would you know which department/organization to approach if your human rights have been violated

Yes. I'd Google it.

If your human rights have been violated, there are several departments and organizations you can approach for assistance and support. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Document the violation: Compile all the relevant information about the violation, including dates, locations, and any evidence or witnesses that can support your claim. Take note of any injuries or damages caused.

2. Reach out to a local human rights organization: Search for local human rights organizations in your area that can provide you with guidance and support. These organizations can help you understand your rights, provide legal advice, and advocate on your behalf.

3. Contact your national human rights commission: Check if your country has a national human rights commission or similar governmental body responsible for addressing human rights issues. They are mandated to investigate complaints and ensure the protection of human rights.

4. Consult with a lawyer: If you believe legal action is necessary, seek legal advice from a lawyer who specializes in human rights issues. They can guide you through the legal process and help you understand the available options based on the specific circumstances.

5. Report to law enforcement agencies: If the violation entails criminal activities, such as assault or discrimination, report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Provide them with all the details you have documented.

6. Seek assistance from international human rights organizations: If your local options are limited or ineffective, consider reaching out to international human rights organizations like Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch. They often work across borders and can help raise awareness about your case.

Remember, the steps may vary depending on your location, and it is important to research and adapt them to fit your specific situation.

If you believe that your human rights have been violated, there are several options available to you for seeking assistance and justice. The specific department or organization you should approach may depend on your location and the nature of the violation. Here are some general avenues to consider:

1. Government human rights commission/ombudsman: Many countries have government bodies specifically tasked with investigating and addressing human rights violations. These bodies, such as a national human rights commission or an ombudsman's office, can provide guidance, legal advice, and investigate complaints.

2. Local law enforcement agencies: If you have experienced a human rights violation that constitutes a criminal offense, you can approach your local law enforcement agency. They are responsible for enforcing laws and can initiate criminal investigations.

3. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): There are numerous human rights-focused NGOs that provide support and guidance to individuals whose rights have been violated. These organizations often have expertise in specific areas, such as women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, or freedom of speech. Research and contact relevant NGOs in your area or internationally.

4. Legal Aid organizations: If you are unable to afford legal representation, reaching out to legal aid organizations can be helpful. These entities offer free or low-cost legal services to individuals in need, including those who have suffered human rights violations.

5. International bodies: In certain situations, you may want to approach international organizations that address human rights violations, such as the United Nations Human Rights Council or the International Criminal Court. However, it's important to note that the jurisdiction and procedures of these bodies can be complex and may require exhausting local remedies first.

It's important to document any supporting evidence related to the violation and gather relevant information to support your case. Seeking legal advice from a qualified professional can also help you navigate the process effectively.