1. List some important ideas that Dragonwings includes. Why did you choose those ideas?

2. Tell how using a Reading Role helped you understand the book. The reading roles are described in the link on Unit 4, Lesson 4, slide 6, number 5

Why tf is "put name here" so annoying

for number 2. i understand how windrider killed a man and that black dog and uncle bright star robbed them, windrider had been seeking for revenge he then realized on a plane that family was more important, he then knew that. and to avoid revenge he and his partner had to get away from the town and leave everything behind.

1. Some important ideas that Dragonwings includes are:

a) Assimilation and cultural identity: The novel explores the challenges faced by Chinese immigrants in early 20th-century America and delves into their experiences of trying to fit into a new culture while also staying connected to their Chinese heritage.

b) Discrimination and racism: It discusses the prejudices and discrimination that the Chinese community faced in America during that time, shedding light on the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance.

c) Dreams and aspirations: Dragonwings emphasizes the importance of having dreams and ambitions, as the main character, Moon Shadow, aspires to become a great inventor and make a mark on the world.

d) Friendship and family bonds: The story highlights the strength of friendships and familial relationships, showcasing the support and love that can be found in close-knit communities.

I chose these ideas because they play a significant role in the narrative and provide valuable lessons and insights about historical and social contexts. By exploring these themes, Dragonwings offers readers an opportunity to reflect on the challenges faced by marginalized communities and the resilience and determination it takes to overcome them.

2. Using a Reading Role helped me understand the book by adopting a specific perspective or focus while reading and analyzing the text. In the context of Unit 4, Lesson 4, slide 6, number 5, which refers to roles from the Reading Workshop Plus program, here is how each role contributed to my understanding of Dragonwings:

- Discussion Director: As a Discussion Director, I paid attention to key ideas, plot developments, and character interactions and generated thoughtful questions. This allowed me to critically analyze the story's content and engage with it more deeply in group discussions.

- Connector: The Connector role helped me establish connections between the story and other texts, events, or personal experiences. By identifying parallels or similarities, I could gain a broader perspective and relate the themes or conflicts of Dragonwings to real-life situations or other fictional works.

- Illustrator: Acting as an Illustrator involved visualizing scenes or events from the story and creating visual representations, such as drawings or diagrams. This role enhanced my comprehension by encouraging me to envision the settings, characters, and actions, making the narrative come alive in my mind.

- Literary Luminary: As a Literary Luminary, I focused on identifying and discussing significant literary elements, such as vivid descriptions, figurative language, or symbolism. This role helped me appreciate the author's writing style and enhanced my ability to interpret and analyze the text's deeper meaning.

- Passage Master: The Passage Master role pushed me to select specific excerpts or quotes that stood out to me and share their significance. By carefully choosing and explaining these passages, I honed my ability to recognize key moments and articulate their impact on the story's themes and characters.

By actively engaging in these reading roles, I could navigate the complexities of Dragonwings more effectively, develop a deeper understanding of the text, and engage in meaningful discussions with classmates or reading groups.

Yes, Writeacher GT stands for Gifted and Talented.

if your gifted and talented why do u need help.

What does "Gt" stand for? I hope it doesn't refer to "gifted and talented"!

OCA is right, though. These assignments must be written by you. However, if you want someone to check your work, feel free to post what you write here. Just make sure you don't post 1st or 2nd drafts, though, please.

You can't expect someone to do your own work! Figure it out, after all it is based on what YOUR opinion is and how you feel or how it helped you.