Estimate the sales tax and final cost of a book that costs $12.95 with a sales of 6%.

What is YOUR estimate?

Tax = 0.06 * 12.95 =

Final cost = P + 0.06P = 12.95 + 0.06*12.95 =



To estimate the sales tax and final cost of a book that costs $12.95 with a sales tax of 6%, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the sales tax rate: The sales tax rate is given as 6% in this case.

2. Calculate the sales tax amount: To find the sales tax amount, multiply the cost of the book by the sales tax rate. In this case, the calculation would be: $12.95 x 0.06 = $0.78. This is the sales tax amount.

3. Calculate the final cost: To calculate the final cost, add the sales tax amount to the initial cost of the book. In this case, the calculation would be: $12.95 + $0.78 = $13.73.

Therefore, the estimated sales tax on the book is $0.78, and the final cost, including the sales tax, is $13.73.