translate sentence to inequality

The sum of a number times 9 and 30 is at least 17

To translate the sentence "The sum of a number times 9 and 30 is at least 17" into an inequality, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Assign a variable to the number. Let's use "x" to represent the number.

Step 2: Write the expression for the sum of a number times 9 and 30: "9x + 30".

Step 3: Translate the phrase "at least" to the appropriate inequality symbol. Since it means "greater than or equal to," we use the symbol "≥".

Putting it all together, the inequality would be:
9x + 30 ≥ 17

the sum of a number times 3 and 23 is atleast -22

The sum of a number times 10 and 18 is at most -16

The sum of a number times 5 and 30 is at least 29.

how do you translate two times the sum of a number and 22 is at most 30 in an inequality

The sum of a number times 2 and 25 is at least - 24

n = number

9 n + 30 ≥ 17

This mean n can be 17 , 18 , 19... but not less of 17