Which of the following scenarios does NOT give an example of velocity?

The bird flew north.***
The train went west at a speed of 100mph.
The hawk circled its prey in the air at a speed of 10 miles per hour.
The quarterback threw the football 50mph to the right so that the receiver could catch it.

Yes, A.

which of the following scenarios is NOT an example of velocity?

The scenario that does NOT give an example of velocity is "The bird flew north."

To determine which of the given scenarios does NOT give an example of velocity, we need to understand what velocity is.

Velocity is a physical quantity that describes the rate at which an object changes its position in a specific direction. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (speed) and direction.

Let's analyze each scenario:

1. The bird flew north.
This scenario describes both the direction (north) and the fact that the bird is moving. Therefore, it provides an example of velocity.

2. The train went west at a speed of 100 mph.
This scenario describes both the direction (west) and the fact that the train is moving at a specific speed. Therefore, it provides an example of velocity.

3. The hawk circled its prey in the air at a speed of 10 miles per hour.
This scenario describes the speed of the hawk's circular motion but does not specify a direction. Even though the hawk is moving, the lack of direction means it does not represent an example of velocity.

4. The quarterback threw the football 50 mph to the right so that the receiver could catch it.
This scenario describes both the speed (50 mph) and the direction (to the right) in which the football is thrown. Therefore, it provides an example of velocity.

Based on this analysis, scenario 3, "The hawk circled its prey in the air at a speed of 10 miles per hour," does NOT give an example of velocity, as it lacks direction.