Add or remove commas

Judy used her favorite wooden spoon,to stir their nacho cheese

Judy used her favorite wooden spoon to stir their nacho cheese.

To determine where to add or remove commas in the given sentence, we need to consider the rules of comma usage. Commas are used to separate elements in a sentence, such as items in a series, adjectives, or clauses. Let's examine the sentence and identify where commas should be added or removed.

Original sentence:
"Judy used her favorite wooden spoon,to stir their nacho cheese."

First, we notice that there is a comma after the words "wooden spoon" before the word "to" in the given sentence. However, this comma is not necessary since it does not fulfill any of the comma usage rules. The sentence should be revised as:

Corrected sentence:
"Judy used her favorite wooden spoon to stir their nacho cheese."

In this revised sentence, the comma has been removed, and now the sentence is grammatically correct.

I don't think that sentence needs any commas at all, but it does need a period at the end!

... not even #5 here: