Writeacher asks:

Was your question something like this?
Which Renaissance technique was used in this painting?
(The answer choices don't match the question!)


A. a copy of the Gutenberg bible

B. The Odyssey, by the Greek poet Homer

C. Martin Luther's 95 Theses

D.The Canterbury Tales, by English writer Geoffrey Chaucer****

Are you sure those are your choices?

Those are not the choices

What happened to answers

No, the question you mentioned is not similar to the question provided. The question you mentioned is asking about the Renaissance technique used in a painting, while the answer choices you provided are related to different works of literature from different time periods.

To determine the Renaissance technique used in a painting, you would need to analyze the painting itself. Here are some steps you can take to determine the Renaissance technique:

1. Observe the painting: Look closely at the details of the painting, paying attention to the style, composition, and subject matter.

2. Research Renaissance techniques: Familiarize yourself with the various techniques that were commonly used during the Renaissance period, such as chiaroscuro (use of light and dark), linear perspective (creating the illusion of depth), sfumato (softening edges and blending tones), and foreshortening (distorting proportions to create a sense of depth).

3. Compare and analyze: Compare the features of the painting you are examining with the known Renaissance techniques. Look for evidence of these specific techniques in the painting. Consider the use of light and shadow, the vanishing point, the overall balance and harmony, and the level of detail.

4. Consult experts: If you are unsure or need further clarification, consider consulting experts or art historians who specialize in Renaissance art. They can provide valuable insights and analysis.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine the Renaissance technique used in the painting in question.