to calculate the total number of students registered for class.Write an algorithm in steps in plain English class and to calculate the percentage of male and female students in both decimal and percentage notation.?

To calculate the total number of students registered for a class, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize a variable 'total_students' to 0.
2. Iterate through each student in the class.
3. For each student, increment the 'total_students' variable by 1.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all students in the class.
5. After the iteration is complete, the value of 'total_students' will represent the total number of students registered for the class.

Now, to calculate the percentage of male and female students in both decimal and percentage notation, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize variables: 'male_students' and 'female_students' to 0.
2. Iterate through each student in the class.
3. For each student, check their gender.
4. If the student is male, increment the 'male_students' variable by 1.
5. If the student is female, increment the 'female_students' variable by 1.
6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 for all students in the class.
7. Calculate the percentage of male students using the formula: (male_students / total_students) * 100.
8. Calculate the percentage of female students using the formula: (female_students / total_students) * 100.
9. The calculated values in step 7 and step 8 will represent the percentage of male and female students in decimal notation.
10. To convert the decimal notation to percentage notation, you can simply multiply the decimal values by 100.

For example, let's assume the class has 40 students, with 25 male students and 15 female students:

Total students = 40
Percentage of male students (in decimal notation) = (25 / 40) = 0.625
Percentage of male students (in percentage notation) = 0.625 * 100 = 62.5%
Percentage of female students (in decimal notation) = (15 / 40) = 0.375
Percentage of female students (in percentage notation) = 0.375 * 100 = 37.5%