What factors led the the Norman Conquest?

I think that when Edward’s cousin told him about his thoughts (how Edward told him he could have the throne) it started off a chain reaction, but I’m not sure. May I please get some help?

The Normans were interested in England's wealth. Duke William of Normandy was related to the Anglo-Saxon king. The real power was held by a family named the Godwins. King Edward allegedly promised the throne to one of the Godwins. William claimed that Edward had promised it to him. The Norwegian king also claimed the throne. The Norwegians invaded, as did the Normans.

Make sure you change your answer as much as possible the teachers can find out

Your welcome!

Thanks connexus boi

change up, delete, an add some words in there so they wont suspect.

thank you ^^


this is my respons The Normans were interested in England's wealth. King Edward allegedly promised the throne to one of the Godwins. William claimed that Edward had promised it to him. The Norwegian king also claimed the throne.

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