1. When Scrooge tells Marley that Marley was always “a good man of business,” in Act I, Scene 3 of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Marley responds, “BUSINESS!!! Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all, my business.” In a paragraph, explain what you think Marley means by these words. Use details about Marley from the play to support your opinion.

By these words, it seems that Marley is talking about the idea of being concerned for others rather than just with oneself (the collective vs. the individual). Scrooge is a very miserly person; he has no desire to share his money and is only concerned with making more, regardless of his lack of relationships with anyone else. Marley, on the other hand, is trying to show that other people are more important than personal wealth. Essentially, he isn't trying to teach Scrooge to change his miserly ways and instead become charitable and generous.

2. What is the preposition in this sentence?

The children sat under the tree.

A. sat
B. children
C. under...
D. the

3. What is the object of the preposition in this sentence?

Scrooge will walk alone from his offices.

A. alone
B. Scrooge
C. walk...
D. offices

4. What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence?

Scrooge puts his key in the door’s keyhole.

A. put his key
B. Scrooge put his key
C. his key in the door’s keyhole
D. in the door’s keyhole...

5. Which word is most similar to morose?

A. sensitive
B. silly
C. unhappy...
D. stubborn

6. In which of these lines is the meaning of the word gratitude best expressed?

A. Why it’s old Fezziwig! Bless his heart; it’s Fezziwig alive again!
B. The happiness he gave is quite as great as if it cost him a fortune...
C. Fezziwig had the power to make us happy or unhappy.
D. Yo ho, my boys. No more work tonight.

7. In which sentence about A Christmas Carol is the word conveyed used correctly?

A. Marley first conveyed through Scrooge’s doorknocker.
B. The Thin and Portly men conveyed donations in Scrooge’s office.
C. Marley conveyed the importance of Scrooge changing his ways...
D. Marley was conveyed only to the audience.

my answers
1. can you check my paragraph.
By these words, it seems that Marley is talking about the idea of being concerned for others rather than just with oneself (the collective vs. the individual). Scrooge is a very miserly person; he has no desire to share his money and is only concerned with making more, regardless of his lack of relationships with anyone else. Marley, on the other hand, is trying to show that other people are more important than personal wealth. Essentially, he isn't trying to teach Scrooge to change his miserly ways and instead become charitable and generous.
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. C

2. C - yes

3. C - no
4. D - yes
5. C - yes
6. B - yes
7. C - yes

thank you so much, is the paragraph good?

how do I find the answer for 3


is it D

Yes, D.

thank you soooooo much I got them all right:)

Congrats!!! :-)

Your answers are correct. Here is the revised paragraph for question 1:

By these words, it seems that Marley is emphasizing that his true focus in life was not just on business and accumulating wealth. While Scrooge perceives Marley as a successful businessman, Marley clarifies that his true purpose was to consider the well-being of humanity as a whole. He prioritized concepts such as charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, highlighting the importance of being compassionate and caring towards others. Marley is trying to convey to Scrooge that amassing personal wealth is not as significant as contributing to the common welfare and being considerate towards fellow human beings.