Identify two specific ways the Catholic Church tried to stop the spread of Protestantism.


I love how people are trying to sound innocent and good when we all know damn well that they are here for answers too.

Ms. Sue not trying to be mean or anything but that link just leads you back to the home page of that question, is it supposed to do that? Well, if not, then if anybody is reading this just go to, the answer I think is there. I am just doing this to help anybody who doesn't understand the question, I am not giving anybody answers because I don't want anybody to cheat, because teachers are always going to figure out, so might as well just read the information they give you in the first place instead of waiting for someone to give you the answer. Sorry, if I sound mean, but I am just saying the truth. I won't give you guys the answer but I will help you find the answer. If you want to find the answer then go to, it will help you just like it helped me. Your welcome....OwO! :)

MRS sue

died in 2019

1 They excommunicated and banned followers and supporters of known Protestant leaders and movements and 2. They started the Counter-Reformation.

uggg does and one have the answers to ther whole test i have so many overdue lessons and i need help :( I want to turn that frown upside down

i need help with this question

also, no one cares what anyone has to say... just give us answers, it simplifies everything

I can't use anymore brainy questions I NEEED HELP ASAP

oooooooof my grade

what is going on here