Which of the following passages from the novel best illustrates the most extreme hostility between the Chinese and American communities in San Francisco?

a: An American man raises his voice when he suspects WindRider and Moon Shadow do not understand english
b: Uncle refuses to let Moon Shadow collect money anywhere outside the Tang community
c:A brick is thrown through the front window of the Company on Moon Shadows first night
d: Moon Shadows grandfather dies in a fight defending himself when others try to cut off his queue***


Essay: idk

Thx “bruh” u got me a 100% on my quiz bro.

@writeacher the novel is dragon wings by Lawrence Yelp

I need some help on the essays, I lost the book last month while cleaning

Heres a summary I hope this helps don't get annoyed its long supersummary.com/dragonwings/summary/

Just give us the dang answer already you don't need to know the title and author

Type ht tps :// before it no spaces

To determine which of the passages from the novel best illustrates the most extreme hostility between the Chinese and American communities in San Francisco, let's analyze each option:

a: An American man raises his voice when he suspects WindRider and Moon Shadow do not understand English - While this passage might indicate some tension or rudeness, it does not demonstrate extreme hostility between the two communities.

b: Uncle refuses to let Moon Shadow collect money anywhere outside the Tang community - This passage suggests a sense of segregation or exclusion, but again, it does not involve extreme hostility.

c: A brick is thrown through the front window of the Company on Moon Shadow's first night - This passage seems to portray an act of direct aggression and hostility towards the Chinese community. It indicates a violent response that displays a greater level of animosity.

d: Moon Shadow's grandfather dies in a fight defending himself when others try to cut off his queue - While this passage may show conflict and violence, it does not directly illustrate hostility between the Chinese and American communities.

Based on the analysis, option c (A brick is thrown through the front window of the Company on Moon Shadow's first night) appears to best illustrate the most extreme hostility between the Chinese and American communities in San Francisco.

What novel? Title? Author??