which of the following best illustrates the extreme nature of Phoebe's suspicion of others

they are

A. she call the strange young man at her door a lunatic
b. she does not want Mrs. partridge to touch her face
c. she does not offer to help mrs. cadaver with her groceries
d. she predicts not that mr. Brikway helped hide me cadaver's body under the rhododendron bush

title walk two moons author I don't know

Walk two moons by Sharon Creech

To determine which option best illustrates the extreme nature of Phoebe's suspicion of others, we need to examine the given options and assess the level of suspicion portrayed in each one. Without the provided options, I can't give you a specific answer. However, I can guide you on how to make this evaluation.

1. Phoebe refuses to trust anyone and believes everyone has malicious intentions.
2. Phoebe frequently accuses others without any evidence of wrongdoing.
3. Phoebe conducts constant surveillance on her friends and family, convinced they are hiding secrets.
4. Phoebe investigates every minor detail of someone's life, searching for evidence of deceit.

Go through each option and analyze the behavior it describes. Assess the level of suspicion and the extreme nature of Phoebe's distrust it implies. Look for signs of exaggerated suspicions, unwarranted accusations, extensive surveillance, or obsessive investigations.

Consider the intensity and persistence of Phoebe's behavior in each option. The option that depicts the most extreme and unreasonable suspicions will likely be the one that best illustrates the extreme nature of Phoebe's suspicion of others.

Title? Author??

Who's Phoebe?

What are your choices?