Which 2 body systems interact to make your body move?

Circulatory System

Skeletal System

Muscular System <----------------- (I think this is one of the possible answers)

Nervous System <----------------- (Maybe because our brain sends signals to our body to make us move or something)

Digestive System

Integumentary System

Excretory System

Immune System

I believe that they are the Muscular System and the Nervous System...
Could someone please check
Thank you for your time and patience, God bless

The answers were Muscular and Skeletal... Thank you anyway

i really don't know the explaination, i just searched the question up on google and it said these three:

Muscular System and Digestive System and respiratory system

"searched the question up" -- an interesting phrase!

I would have said muscular and skeletal, but read lots here and see what you think:

Yes, you are correct! The Muscular System and the Nervous System work together to make your body move.

The Muscular System consists of all the muscles in your body. When a muscle receives a signal from the Nervous System, it contracts and moves certain body parts, allowing you to perform specific actions.

The Nervous System, on the other hand, controls and coordinates the movements of your body. The brain, which is part of the Nervous System, sends signals through the spinal cord and nerves to the muscles, instructing them to move in a particular way.

To confirm your answer, you can think about how your body moves. When you decide to walk or pick something up, your brain sends signals to the appropriate muscles, telling them to contract and move your limbs accordingly. So, the Muscular System and the Nervous System definitely interact to make your body move.

It's great that you took the time to think through the different systems and analyze their functions. Keep up the curiosity and the desire to learn! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.