Anthony is making a collage for his art class by picking shapes randomly. He has five squares, two triangles, two ovals, and four circles. Find P(a triangle or a square is chosen first).

What would be the fraction for this question?

Count how squares and triangles you have.

Count how may shapes in total there are .
Well ?

To find the probability of choosing a triangle or a square first, we need to calculate the number of favorable outcomes and total possible outcomes.

The favorable outcomes in this case are choosing either a triangle or a square first.

The total possible outcomes can be found by adding up the number of each shape that Anthony has.

The number of favorable outcomes (choosing a triangle or a square first) is 5 squares + 2 triangles = 7.

The total possible outcomes is the sum of all the shapes: 5 squares + 2 triangles + 2 ovals + 4 circles = 13.

So, the probability P(a triangle or a square is chosen first) can be represented as 7/13, which is the fraction for this question.

To find the probability that a triangle or a square is chosen first, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

Total Number of Outcomes:
Anthony has a total of 13 shapes (5 squares + 2 triangles + 2 ovals + 4 circles).

Number of Favorable Outcomes:
Anthony has 5 squares and 2 triangles, so there are a total of 7 favorable outcomes (5 squares + 2 triangles).

Now, we can calculate the probability (P) by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of outcomes:

P(a triangle or a square is chosen first) = favorable outcomes / total outcomes
P(a triangle or a square is chosen first) = 7 / 13

Therefore, the probability that a triangle or a square is chosen first is 7/13.

oh... um... arigatōgozaimashita <-- thank you in Japanese