How do you post a picture on Jiskha?

Like if the question asks about the chart that's a picture, how do I post the picture?

Oh, okay!

Thanks for answering, though!

You can't. Sorry.

I don't how but i have actually seen that before Writeacher. It was a student and the question was long so they just added a picture

Not from a student. Ever!

A tutor with admin privileges can post a link to a photo or drawing online, but neither tutors nor students can post photos, graphs, or any other type of graphic.

To post a picture on Jiskha, you need to first upload the image to an image hosting website or a file hosting service. There are several popular options you can choose from, such as Imgur, TinyPic, or Google Drive. Once you have uploaded the image, you can obtain a direct URL or a shared link to the image.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to post a picture on Jiskha:

1. Upload the picture: Go to an image hosting website or file hosting service of your choice. Follow the instructions on the website to upload the picture from your computer or device. Make sure to select the option that allows the image to be publicly accessible or viewable.

2. Get the image URL or link: Once the image is uploaded, you will be provided with a direct URL or a shared link to the image. Copy this URL or link to your clipboard.

3. Format your Jiskha post: Open the Jiskha website and navigate to the question you want to answer. Begin typing your response or explanation in the answer box.

4. Insert the image: To insert the picture, you need to use HTML image tags or markdown syntax, depending on the Jiskha's formatting options. Here are examples of both formats:

HTML tags: `<img src="image_URL_or_Link">`
Markdown syntax: `![Image Description](image_URL_or_Link)`

Replace "image_URL_or_Link" with the URL or link you obtained in Step 2. Also, you can add an image description within the quotation marks or parentheses if desired.

5. Preview and submit: Before submitting your post, preview it to ensure the image appears correctly. If everything looks good, go ahead and submit your response on Jiskha.

Remember to respect copyright laws when posting images and make sure you have the necessary permissions to use the image you upload.