I need help on walk two moons chapter 15-18 quiz

Answers to connexus quiz grade 6 Walk Two Moons

essay . Sorry I can't give you my essay answers. I promise that you will get 100 with the multiple choice.

read my name peeps.

guys, you should just read the book I did last year in 6th grade, trust me its a really good book I used jiskha last time for it and it did not work bc my teacher was looking at the site but the book is good to listen to me or not but read it (btw I am not dissing jiskha this site has helped me quite a few time U\vU

Also, use quillbot.com its a good site to use to change up your essay words and if you want you can even edit it to make it sound more like the way you would say it

Sure! I can help you with your Walk Two Moons quiz. However, since I don't have access to the specific content of those chapters, I won't be able to answer the questions for you directly. But I can explain how you can find the answers on your own.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to tackle reading comprehension questions for a quiz on Walk Two Moons chapters 15-18:

1. Read the chapters carefully: Start by reading chapters 15-18 of the book thoroughly, making sure you understand the events, characters, and important details mentioned.

2. Review your notes: If you took any notes while reading, review them to refresh your memory on key points, themes, and any significant events or character developments.

3. Identify main ideas: Try to identify the main ideas or themes in each chapter. Look for important events or turning points that might be relevant to the quiz questions.

4. Focus on character development: Pay attention to how the characters evolve in these chapters. Look for any changes in their behavior, relationships, or mindset. This can often be an essential aspect of the story and may come up in the quiz questions.

5. Look for significant quotes: Make note of any significant quotes or passages that stood out to you while reading. These can be helpful when trying to support your answers with evidence.

6. Analyze symbolism or motifs: Walk Two Moons often incorporates symbolism and motifs within the story. Think about the significance of these symbols or recurring themes and consider how they contribute to the overall meaning of the book.

7. Answering the questions: When answering the quiz questions, refer back to the specific chapters and use the information you've gathered. Pay close attention to keywords in the questions, as they can guide you towards the relevant parts of the text.

Remember, reading comprehension questions often require careful attention to detail, so take your time and refer back to the text whenever necessary. Good luck with your quiz on Walk Two Moons!

Read and reread the book, especially these particular chapters.

Then you can double-check things here:

I got a different test

Idk if he is right but....I’m doing my essays now

The helper guy was wrong because I did it and the third one was wrong