Which of the following are accurate statements about how Europe changed as a result of Otto the Great's rule? Select all that apply.

Europe was divided among several German nobles.

An empire made up of Germany, parts of Italy, and much of central and Eastern Europe was created.

Europe was unified under a single government.

A line of Ottonian kings ruled after Otto's death.

The empire came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.

What is your answer?

To determine which of the statements are accurate about how Europe changed as a result of Otto the Great's rule, we need to analyze the historical period known as the Ottonian period. This period, which lasted from 936 to 1002, was characterized by the rule of the Ottonian dynasty, with Otto the Great being a prominent ruler. Here's an explanation of each statement:

A. Europe was divided among several German nobles.
This statement is inaccurate. Otto the Great's rule actually aimed at consolidating power and reducing the influence of regional nobles. Through various strategies, Otto sought to centralize authority in the hands of the monarch.

B. An empire made up of Germany, parts of Italy, and much of central and Eastern Europe was created.
This statement is accurate. Otto the Great's rule led to the creation of an empire that included not only Germany but also parts of Italy, and a significant portion of central and Eastern Europe. This expansion of territories increased the influence and power of the German monarchy.

C. Europe was unified under a single government.
This statement is inaccurate. While Otto the Great's empire expanded and exerted influence over various regions, it did not achieve complete unification of Europe under a single government. Many regions within Europe retained their own particular governance structures and autonomy.

D. A line of Ottonian kings ruled after Otto's death.
This statement is accurate. After Otto the Great's death, the Ottonian dynasty continued to rule over the empire for several generations. However, it is worth noting that the Ottonian dynasty faced challenges and succession struggles, which led to a decline in their power and eventual fragmentation of the empire.

E. The empire came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.
This statement is accurate. Otto the Great's empire, which was established based on the foundations laid by his predecessors, eventually came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire. This title highlighted the empire's perceived connection to the ancient Roman Empire and its association with Christianity.

In conclusion, the accurate statements regarding how Europe changed as a result of Otto the Great's rule are:
B. An empire made up of Germany, parts of Italy, and much of central and Eastern Europe was created.
D. A line of Ottonian kings ruled after Otto's death.
E. The empire came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.