Luke is riding a bike. Gene wants the bike and tries to push Luke off. Gene is showing which of the following types of aggression?

A. Mild

B. Instrumental

C. Hostile

D. Accidental

my answer is B.

I agree.

Your answer is correct. Gene's action of trying to push Luke off the bike indicates instrumental aggression. Instrumental aggression is characterized by the intention to obtain or achieve a specific goal, such as gaining possession of the bike in this case.

To determine which type of aggression Gene is showing, let's first understand the definitions of each type:

A. Mild aggression: This refers to small acts of aggression that do not intend to cause harm or injury.

B. Instrumental aggression: This type of aggression is driven by the desire to achieve a specific goal or outcome. It is not necessarily motivated by hostility or anger.

C. Hostile aggression: This type of aggression is fueled by anger, frustration, or negative emotions and aims to inflict harm or cause injury.

D. Accidental aggression: This refers to acts of aggression that occur unintentionally or without the intent to harm.

In this scenario, Gene wants Luke's bike and tries to push Luke off. This behavior is motivated by Gene's desire to achieve a specific goal (getting the bike) rather than being driven by anger or hostility. Therefore, the correct answer is indeed B. Instrumental aggression.