What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter a and 4th letter o

What is the clue?

Ohh there is quite a few here is just an idea: Cacomistle, in the C's, You look online and find the others.

Oops! These are supposed to be 9-letter words.

To find nine-letter words with the second letter as "a" and the fourth letter as "o," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by brainstorming possible words that fit the given criteria. For example, consider words like "abdominal," "apologize," or "amusement."

2. Next, you can use online tools like crossword solvers or word search websites to validate your ideas. These platforms allow you to search for words with specific letters in certain positions. Simply input the known letters, use a "placeholder" character (e.g., "_") for the unknown letters, and set the second letter as "a" and the fourth letter as "o."

3. Another alternative is to use a dictionary or a word list that contains nine-letter words. Look for words that meet the given criteria by manually checking the second and fourth letters of each word.

Remember, these steps allow you to generate a list of potential words. However, it's important to note that the final selection of appropriate words or their suitability for a specific context may require further consideration and verification.