1. Which of the following best illustrates the extreme nature of Phoebe's suspicion of others?

D. She predicts that Mr. Birkway helped hide Mr. Cadaver's body under the rhododendron bush.

LA mean Language arts.

@Writeacher you should know this

Oh and

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. C
Do the essay your self

To determine which of the following best illustrates the extreme nature of Phoebe's suspicion of others, we would need to evaluate the provided options and identify the one that demonstrates the highest level of suspicion. However, since no options were mentioned in your question, I cannot provide a specific answer.

In general, extreme suspicion can be characterized by behaviors such as constant questioning, doubting others' motives, feeling threatened or attacked, and perceiving innocent actions as malicious. Phoebe's extreme suspicion might manifest in actions like regularly accusing others without evidence, isolating herself due to mistrust, or exhibiting paranoid behaviors.

If you have the options or more context related to Phoebe's suspicion, please provide them so that I can help you determine the best illustration.

So what’s the answer?

None of the above.

What is "La"?

What story or poem is this?
What's the author's name?
Why didn't you post all the answer choices?
Why didn't you indicate what YOU THINK is correct?

No one can help if we don't know these things.