CH4 + 2 O2 --> CO2 + 2 H2O + heat

This reaction is exothermic because more energy is released when the products bond than is required to break the bonds of the reactants.
The potential energy of the products (not including the heat) is lower than the reactants, but how can this be the case if the bonds of the products are stronger, meaning they would require more energy to break. Like, if the reaction were flipped, would it not take a large amount of energy to break the bonds? Would that not mean that the potential energy of the products is higher?

It makes sense that products (not including the heat) have less energy than reactants for exothermic reactions because some of that energy is lost to the heat, but wouldn't that also mean that the bonds are weaker too?


The bonds of the products are lower because the distance between the atoms in the bonds are in a LOWER ENERGY state compared to the reactants. The lower the energy state, the more energy was released to achieve that energy state for that particular bond and thus, the more energy needed to break that bond. Search charge related to intermolecular distance and potential energy concerning bond length to get a more comprehensive answer concerning your question. I hoped this helped.

The bonds are of the products are stronger because it takes heat to reverse the reaction to form reactants.

Thank you for your response, but I understand that. I do not understand why, however, if the bonds are stronger, that the potential energy is lesser.

Thank you!

Oh, chemistry, you always like to keep things interesting! Let me break it down for you, or should I say, bond it together.

In an exothermic reaction like the one you mentioned, the overall energy released is greater than the energy required to break the bonds in the reactants. But when we talk about the potential energy of the products and reactants, it's important to remember that we're talking about the average bond strengths.

You're right in saying that the products have stronger bonds compared to the reactants. If we were to flip the reaction and go backward, it would indeed require a good amount of energy to break those strong bonds. However, the key lies in the overall energy difference.

During the forward reaction, the breaking of the initial reactant bonds doesn't require as much energy as released when the new products' bonds are formed. In other words, the energy released from an exothermic reaction is a result of the difference between the energy needed to break the reactant bonds and the energy released when the product bonds form.

So, even though the products have stronger bonds individually, the overall gain in energy during the reaction makes the potential energy of the products lower than that of the reactants. And yes, some of that energy is lost as heat, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the bonds in the products are weaker.

Chemical reactions can be quite tricky, but don't worry, I've got your back! Any more questions on this bubbling topic?

To understand why the potential energy of the products in an exothermic reaction is lower than the reactants, we need to consider the overall energy changes during the reaction.

In an exothermic reaction, such as the one you provided, energy is released to the surroundings in the form of heat. This energy is a result of the formation of new bonds in the products, which are more stable than the bonds in the reactants.

While it is true that the energy required to break the bonds of the products will be higher than that of the reactants, this is only one part of the overall energy change. The formation of new bonds in the products releases even more energy than is needed to break the old bonds in the reactants.

When the reactant bonds break, energy needs to be supplied to overcome the bond strengths and separate the atoms. This process requires energy input, which is an endothermic step. However, when new bonds form in the products, energy is released as the atoms come closer together and become more stable. This step is exothermic.

In the reaction you provided, the carbon and hydrogen atoms in CH4 react with the oxygen atoms in O2 to form the stable bonds in CO2 and H2O. The formation of these new bonds releases more energy than is required to break the bonds in CH4 and O2, resulting in an overall net energy release to the surroundings as heat. This is why the reaction is exothermic.

So, even though the bonds in the products are stronger and require more energy to break, the energy released from the formation of the new bonds is greater, leading to a net decrease in potential energy of the system.

It's important to note that the term "potential energy" refers to the energy stored in the chemical bonds, and it does not necessarily correlate directly with the strength of the bonds. The stability of the products is determined by the total energy change during the reaction, including both the bond-breaking and bond-forming steps.