Describing oneself by using moral principles such as honesty, kindness, and fairness is called

A. self-esteem.

B. self-concept.

C. self-awareness.

D. moral identity.

my answer is D.

I agree.

To confirm if your answer is correct, let's examine all the options provided:

A. Self-esteem: Self-esteem refers to a person's overall evaluation of their own worth or value. While moral principles such as honesty, kindness, and fairness can contribute to one's self-esteem, it doesn't specifically describe the act of describing oneself using these principles.

B. Self-concept: Self-concept refers to the collection of beliefs and perceptions a person has about themselves. This includes their thoughts, feelings, and impressions about who they are. Describing oneself using moral principles aligns more closely with self-concept, as it involves defining oneself based on moral values.

C. Self-awareness: Self-awareness refers to having a clear perception and understanding of one's own personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, and emotions. Although self-awareness plays a part in describing oneself using moral principles, it doesn't encompass the complete act.

D. Moral identity: Moral identity is the term that best describes describing oneself by using moral principles such as honesty, kindness, and fairness. It refers to the aspect of one's self-concept that involves moral values and principles that guide one's thoughts, behaviors, and decision-making processes. It encompasses the act of defining oneself based on moral principles.

Based on the explanations provided, your answer (D. moral identity) is correct.