Map of the United States showing U.S. acquisitions, 1845 to 1848. States shaded in whole or in part are Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. The first area, labeled 1844, includes eastern Texas as the Lone Star Republic. The second area, marked 1848, includes west Texas, east New Mexico, central and southeastern Colorado, and marks land in dispute between Texas and Mexico in 1848. The third area, labeled 1853, is the Gadsden Purchase, which is south of Arizona. The fourth area is the Mexican Cession of 1848 Guadalupe Hidalgo, including west New Mexico, west Colorado, Utah, north Arizona, California, and Nevada. The last area, 1846, marks the Oregon Territory Treaty with Great Britain, which includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho, northwest Montana, and western Wyoming.

Public Domain

What effect did the events of this map have on the United States? (5 points)

They resulted in increased dependence on Great Britain.

They limited westward expansion and exploration.

They opened the West for settlement and expansion.

They resulted in increased dependence on Mexico.

Yes, C.

I would think C out of the options

The events shown on this map had a significant effect on the United States as they opened up the West for settlement and expansion. This is the correct answer among the options given.

To understand why these events opened up the West for settlement and expansion, we need to look at the specific territories acquired by the United States during the period mentioned. The acquisitions in the map include Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

These acquisitions expanded the size and territorial reach of the United States, providing new opportunities for settlement, resources, and economic growth. The territories acquired formed the basis for the eventual development of several states in the American West.

For example, the acquisition of California and the Southwest territories (such as New Mexico and Arizona) resulted in the discovery of gold during the California Gold Rush, attracting a massive influx of settlers and leading to the rapid growth of towns and cities in the region.

The acquisition of Oregon and Washington opened up new lands for agriculture, logging, and trade as settlers moved westward through the Oregon Trail. The lands in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming also became important for farming, mining, and cattle ranching.

In summary, the events shown on the map opened up the West for settlement and expansion, allowing the United States to extend its influence and opportunities for economic growth in the new territories acquired.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Thanks so much