Describe a real-world context that matches the equation 6 x (-2) = -12. Explain what the product represent

A bank had to pay 6 customers $2 each. (Because the bank is paying the money, it is losing the money, so it is negative 2, and 6 times negative 2 is -12). The -12 product represents the change in the amount of money the bank has.

Thx so much!

A real-world context that matches the equation 6 x (-2) = -12 can be the scenario of a financial transaction involving a purchase and a discount.

For instance, imagine you are buying a product that costs $6, and there is a discount of 2 times the price. In this case, you multiply the original price ($6) by -2 to represent the discount, resulting in -12. Therefore, the product in this scenario represents the final discounted amount, which in this case is $12.