A number cube is rolled 150 times. The number 3 comes up 43 times. What is the experimental probability of rolling a 3? What is the theoretical probability of rolling a 3?

A. 43/150; 1/6
B. 43/150; 1/50
C. 1/6; 43/150•••
D. 3/43; 1/6
I think that it is either c or b correct me if I am wrong please.

43/150 in your experiment

1/6 = one side is 3 / six sides for one through six

It asked for the experiment first so c is wrong
Where on earth did you get 1/50 for anything ?

I looked at that 1/50 wrong sorry. So it's A 43/150; 1/6?

That one makes more sense

You are correct! The correct answer is C. The experimental probability of rolling a 3 is 43/150 and the theoretical probability of rolling a 3 is 1/6. Well done!

To find the experimental probability of rolling a 3, you divide the number of times the event occurred (in this case, rolling a 3 appeared 43 times) by the total number of trials (the number cube was rolled 150 times). So the experimental probability is 43/150.

To find the theoretical probability of rolling a 3, you need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes. In this case, a number cube has 6 possible outcomes (numbers 1 to 6), and since we want to roll a 3, there is only 1 favorable outcome. So the theoretical probability is 1/6.

Comparing the two probabilities, it becomes clear that option A, 43/150 and 1/6, is the correct answer.