Which of the following modes of inheritance would most likely lead to genetic diseases that are more common in males?

A.) Simple dominance

B.) Incomplete dominance

C.) Codominance

D.) X-linked traits

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Common in males?????????? Could X-linked be the answer????????

The mode of inheritance that would most likely lead to genetic diseases more common in males is D) X-linked traits.

To understand why X-linked traits are more common in males, it's important to know the basics of human sex chromosome inheritance. In humans, females have two X chromosomes (XX) while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). Traits located on the X chromosome are considered X-linked traits.

X-linked traits follow a specific pattern of inheritance. Since males have only one X chromosome, any genetic variation or mutation on this chromosome will be expressed, and there is no second X chromosome to mask or override it. On the other hand, females have two X chromosomes, so if one X chromosome carries a genetic variation or mutation, the other X chromosome may carry a normal or non-affected allele, potentially masking the effect of the variation or mutation.

This means that if a male inherits a disease-causing allele on his X chromosome, he will generally express the genetic disease because he lacks a second X chromosome to compensate for it. In contrast, for females to express an X-linked genetic disease, both of their X chromosomes would need to carry the disease-causing allele.

As a result, X-linked genetic diseases tend to be more common in males as they have a higher chance of inheriting a disease-causing allele on their single X chromosome.

Therefore, D) X-linked traits would most likely lead to genetic diseases that are more common in males.