Which of the following is not a function of hormones?

maintaining homeostasis
exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the lungs
regulating growth, development, and behavior
responding to external stimuli

I think its C

Answer choice C is the main functions of the endocrine system that secretes hormones. What about answer choice B?

To determine which of the given options is not a function of hormones, we can break down each option and understand its relationship with the endocrine system.

1. Maintaining homeostasis: Hormones play a crucial role in regulating the body's internal environment to maintain stability. They help regulate body temperature, blood sugar levels, fluid balance, and other physiological factors. Therefore, hormones do participate in maintaining homeostasis.

2. Exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the lungs: This function is primarily performed by the respiratory system, namely through the process of respiration. While hormones can indirectly influence certain aspects of respiration, such as increasing breathing rate during physical activity, hormone secretion itself is not directly involved in the exchange of gases between the air and the lungs. So, this function is not specifically related to hormones.

3. Regulating growth, development, and behavior: This is a significant function of hormones. Various hormones, such as growth hormone, thyroid hormone, and sex hormones, influence growth, development, and behavior throughout an individual's life. Therefore, hormones do play a role in regulating growth, development, and behavior.

4. Responding to external stimuli: Hormones are involved in the body's response to external stimuli, such as stress or danger. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, for example, triggers the release of stress hormones like cortisol during times of perceived threat or stress. Hence, hormones also participate in responding to external stimuli.

Therefore, when reviewing the provided options, it is evident that option C, "exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the lungs," is not a function typically performed by hormones.