Read the following passage from Walk Two Moons.

“Everybody is just walking along concerned with his own problems, his own life, his own worries. And we’re all expecting other people to tune into our own agenda.”

Think about how this theme is developed through the characters’ words and actions in the novel. Decide which character best illustrates this theme. Support your position using specific examples and evidence from the novel.
--I need help with figuring out who represents that quote. I know that Grams said that quote so you don't have to put that in. PLEASE DON'T COPY AND PASTE THE ANSWER FROM OTHER SOURCES!--

Oh. Okay.

In order to identify the character who best illustrates the theme presented in the quote from Walk Two Moons, we need to examine the characters' words and actions throughout the novel. By looking closely at their interactions and behaviors, we can find evidence to support our position.

One character that particularly exemplifies the theme of individuals being absorbed in their own problems and expecting others to prioritize their concerns is Chanhassen Jenkins. Chanhassen, or Chantal, is a classmate of Sal's who is frequently self-centered and rarely considers the feelings or situations of those around her.

When Sal's mother leaves their family and her father becomes depressed, Chantal remains indifferent to Sal's struggles and focuses solely on her own interests. Chantal often talks about her relationships and personal desires without showing genuine care or concern for Sal's feelings. This demonstrates her lack of awareness or consideration for others, as well as her expectation that others should prioritize her own agenda.

Additionally, there is a scene where Sal's father is visibly upset and struggling with his emotions. Despite witnessing his distress, Chantal seems oblivious or uninterested, further emphasizing her self-centered nature. Her lack of empathy and failure to recognize others' needs align with the theme presented in the quote.

Furthermore, Chantal's words and actions illustrate her expectation that others should tune into her own agenda. She frequently demands attention, interrupting conversations and making dramatic statements to divert the focus onto herself. Chantal often expects others to listen to her problems and provide immediate solutions, rarely reciprocating this support for them.

In conclusion, Chanhassen Jenkins, also known as Chantal, is the character that best represents the theme expressed in the given quote from Walk Two Moons. Through her self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and expectation that others prioritize her needs, she exemplifies the notion that people often focus on their own problems and anticipate others to cater to their agenda.

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