Can someone explain to me how to measure circles? Help

Circumference = pi times diameter

Area = pi times radius squared

well I can't figure out this one, can you help me? the radius i think is 24 in, how do I solve for it?

What do you want to find -- circumference or area?

circumference! :)

Circumference = pi times diameter

The diameter is 2 times the radius.

C = 3.14 * 48

C = ________ inches

well I got 75.36, is that right? and can you help me round it to the nearest tenth?

How can you multiply more than 3 times more than 40 and get 75?*+48+%3D&btnK=Google+Search&oq=+3.14+*+48+%3D&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30.8784.13436..14288...0.0..0.113.310.1j2......0....2j1..gws-wiz.....0.hBd87l68ySQ

is the answer 150.8? or is that really wrong too?

Google calculator says 150.72

The nearest tenth is 150.7