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How has the Polish economy changed since the fall of the communist government?

Collective farms were built.

A socialist system was adopted.

The foreign debt was paid.

People own and run their own businesses.

Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks have different _____.

educational systems


spoken languages


What happened with the collapse of the communist government that strengthened the Polish economy?

The large collective farms were broken up into small family farms.

Many foreigners began to invest their money in Poland.

Poland’s industries were privatized almost overnight.

Taxes and wages were immediately doubled.

How has Polish life changed since the fall of the communist government?

There is very little unemployment.

People have access to more consumer goods.

The government supports high prices for farm produce.

Foreigners have been afraid to invest there.

Which language is spoken by the majority of the population in Poland today?





3 and 5 are correct.

To answer these questions, you can analyze the provided options and use logical reasoning.

1. How has the Polish economy changed since the fall of the communist government?
Since the fall of the communist government, the Polish economy has experienced several changes. To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:
- Collective farms were built: This option is incorrect because collective farms were not built after the fall of the communist government.
- A socialist system was adopted: This option is incorrect because Poland transitioned from a socialist system to a more market-oriented economy.
- The foreign debt was paid: This option is incorrect because paying off foreign debt doesn't necessarily indicate changes in the overall economy.
- People own and run their own businesses: This option is correct because the privatization of industries allowed for the growth of private businesses and entrepreneurship after the fall of the communist government.

2. Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks have different _____.
To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:
- Educational systems: This option is correct because these different ethnic groups in the Balkans have different educational systems that reflect their cultural and historical backgrounds.
- Religions: This option is correct because these groups have different religious affiliations.
- Spoken languages: This option is correct because each group speaks its own distinct language.
- Economies: This option is incorrect because this question is about cultural and linguistic differences, not economic differences.

3. What happened with the collapse of the communist government that strengthened the Polish economy?
To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:
- The large collective farms were broken up into small family farms: This option is correct because the breakup of large collective farms allowed for the establishment of smaller family farms, which increased efficiency and productivity in agriculture.
- Many foreigners began to invest their money in Poland: This option is incorrect as foreign investment alone is not the primary factor that strengthened the Polish economy.
- Poland’s industries were privatized almost overnight: This option is incorrect as privatization of industries, while it did occur, did not happen overnight.
- Taxes and wages were immediately doubled: This option is incorrect as doubling taxes and wages would not necessarily strengthen the economy.

4. How has Polish life changed since the fall of the communist government?
To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:
- There is very little unemployment: This option is correct because the transition to a market-oriented economy led to an increase in employment opportunities.
- People have access to more consumer goods: This option is correct because the opening of markets and the availability of imported goods provided Polish people with more consumer choices.
- The government supports high prices for farm produce: This option is incorrect as the government supporting high prices for farm produce is not directly related to changes in Polish life since the fall of the communist government.
- Foreigners have been afraid to invest there: This option is incorrect as foreign investment is not directly related to changes in Polish life.

5. Which language is spoken by the majority of the population in Poland today?
The correct answer is Polish.