John starts out in the basement parking garage, 11m below street level. He climbs all the steps to the roof of the building and is now 72m above street level. how many metres has he climbed? Mary join John at the third strey.Each story is 3m high. She accompanies Johnto the roof. How many metres does she climb.

72-(-11) = 83

72/3 = 24, so the building is 24 stories high
Mary climbs 21 or 22 of those, depending on whether you count the ground floor as story zero.

To find out how many meters John has climbed, we need to calculate the difference in height between the basement parking garage and the roof.

The roof is 72m above street level, and the basement parking garage is 11m below street level. So, the total height John has climbed is:

72m (roof) - (-11m) (basement) = 72m + 11m = 83m

Therefore, John has climbed 83 meters.

Now, let's calculate how many meters Mary climbs when she joins John.

Each story is 3m high, and Mary joins John on the third story. So, the height she climbs is:

3m/story * 3 stories = 9m

Therefore, Mary climbs 9 meters.