Hi I completed ACT Form Z15 and I have looked everywhere and couldn’t find the answer key I was wondering if you could help me if I send pictures or maybe you guys have the answer key. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!

Nearly every test has a different answer key. Sorry.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot view or interpret images. However, let me guide you on how to find the answer key for ACT Form Z15.

1. Start by checking official ACT sources: Visit the official ACT website at www.act.org and look for any information related to your ACT form or answer keys. They may have posted answer keys directly on their website or provide you with guidance on how to obtain them.

2. Reach out to your school or test center: If you took the ACT at a school or test center, contact them directly and inquire about the availability of answer keys. They might have copies or know where to access them.

3. Seek assistance from ACT resources: Consult ACT prep books, study guides, or practice tests. These resources often provide detailed explanations of the correct answers. Make sure to verify that the book or guide you are using corresponds to the specific form you completed (Z15). Some books also have answer keys available online.

4. ACT online communities and forums: Join online communities or forums dedicated to ACT discussions, such as Reddit's ACT subreddit or College Confidential. These platforms often have users who share and discuss answer keys or specific test forms. Be cautious while navigating these websites and ensure the information you find is credible.

Remember that the official ACT answer key may not be readily available, and unauthorized distribution of answer keys is a violation of ACT's policies. It's important to seek ethical and legitimate ways to access the answer key for your personal learning purposes.