Why did Thomas Jefferson believe that the creation of a national bank was unconstitutional?

Jefferson sided with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Marbury v. Madison that stated the federal government had no authority over banking regulations.

Jefferson believed that any power not expressly delegated to the federal government by the Constitution should be reserved to the states or the people.

Jefferson believed that no federal law had been established to give the federal government authority over interstate commerce.

Jefferson stated that the Declaration of Independence provided a clear authority for states to establish their own banks.

I think the answer is D

Since Sue was no help at all, the answer is B. I just took the quiz.

or C

The correct answer is actually B: Jefferson believed that any power not expressly delegated to the federal government by the Constitution should be reserved to the states or the people.

To understand Jefferson's perspective on the creation of a national bank, we need to take a closer look at his political ideology. Jefferson was a proponent of strict interpretation of the Constitution, meaning he believed that the federal government should only exercise powers explicitly granted to it in the Constitution. He argued that the Constitution did not specifically grant the federal government the power to establish a national bank, and therefore, it was unconstitutional.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options:

- The Supreme Court's ruling in Marbury v. Madison, while important in establishing the principle of judicial review, did not directly address the constitutionality of a national bank.
- While Jefferson was a strong advocate for limiting the federal government's power in many areas, his objection to a national bank was not specifically related to banking regulations or interstate commerce.
- The Declaration of Independence, although significant in outlining the American colonists' grievances against Britain, did not provide clear authority for states to establish their own banks.

By process of elimination, we can conclude that Jefferson's belief in reserving powers to the states or the people is the primary reason he believed the creation of a national bank was unconstitutional.

Both are wrong. Since I checked two of your guesses, you're on your own now. Please do not post this question again. You might look at this.
