On Civilization 1: Islamic Civilization

1. Describe major innovations, advancements, achievements, or cultural
practices of this civilization.

2. How did these advancements or practices affect the development and growth
of the civilization? How did they affect the other civilization you selected?

On Civilization 2: China

1. Describe major innovations, advancements, achievements, or cultural
practices of this civilization.

2. How did these advancements or practices affect the development and growth
of the civilization? How did they affect the other civilization you selected?

isnt this from a portfolio...-


You write up your responses, and someone here may be able to check them over for you.

i have no clue helpppppppppppppppp

On Civilization 1: Islamic Civilization

1. Major innovations, advancements, achievements, or cultural practices of Islamic Civilization included:

- Scientific Advancements: Islamic scholars made significant contributions in various fields, including mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Notable Muslim scientists include Ibn al-Haytham, who contributed to the understanding of optics, and Al-Zahrawi, who advanced surgical techniques.
- Architecture: Islamic civilization is known for its iconic architectural style, characterized by elaborate geometric patterns, domes, and minarets. Buildings such as the Great Mosque of Cordoba and the Hagia Sophia continue to inspire awe today.
- Literature: Arabic poetry and literature flourished during this period, with prominent writers like Ibn al-Muqaffa and Al-Ma'arri producing influential works.
- Trade and Commerce: Islamic civilization played a vital role in promoting trade and commerce through the establishment of a vast network of trade routes, such as the Silk Road. This facilitated cultural exchange and economic growth.

2. These advancements and practices had a significant impact on the development and growth of Islamic civilization:

- Scientific advancements contributed to the expansion of knowledge and the development of various fields. Islamic scholars' translations of Greek and Roman works helped preserve and transmit ancient knowledge to future generations.
- Arabic became a standardized language, fostering communication, trade, and the spread of ideas across the Islamic world.
- Islamic architecture influenced the architectural styles of other civilizations, with elements of Islamic design found in buildings across the globe.
- The Islamic emphasis on trade and commerce led to economic prosperity and cultural exchange within the civilization and beyond its borders, impacting neighboring civilizations through increased trade and cultural diffusion.

On Civilization 2: China

1. Major innovations, advancements, achievements, or cultural practices of Chinese civilization included:

- Papermaking: The invention of paper significantly impacted the development of Chinese civilization and the world. It revolutionized education, communication, and the spread of knowledge.
- Gunpowder: Chinese alchemists accidentally discovered gunpowder during their experiments. This invention eventually led to the development of firearms and influenced warfare strategies globally.
- Silk Production: China's monopoly over silk production and the establishment of the Silk Road played a crucial role in trade and cultural exchange between Europe and Asia.
- Confucianism: Confucianism was a major cultural and philosophical practice in China. It emphasized moral values, family relationships, and social harmony, shaping the Chinese society for centuries.

2. These advancements and practices had a profound impact on the development and growth of Chinese civilization:

- Papermaking made the spreading and preserving of knowledge more accessible, contributing to the growth of education, bureaucracy, and literature in China.
- The invention of gunpowder gave the Chinese a military advantage, effectively shaping their defense strategies and influencing neighboring civilizations' military technologies.
- Silk production and the Silk Road facilitated significant trade connections between China and other regions, leading to economic expansion, cultural exchange, and the spread of ideas outside of China.
- Confucianism played a crucial role in shaping Chinese society, emphasizing stable family structures, filial piety, and obedience to authority. These values facilitated social order and influenced other East Asian civilizations, notably Japan and Korea, through cultural diffusion and shared philosophical ideals.