Choose three example of human rights violation /discrimination and give reason for your choice

We don't know your reasons.

Kiling of young children

Sure! Here are three examples of human rights violations or discrimination, along with the reasons for choosing them:

1. Gender-based Violence: Gender-based violence includes physical, sexual, and psychological harm inflicted on individuals based on their gender. This is a crucial example because it affects countless people worldwide. To understand more about the prevalence of gender-based violence, you could research global statistics from reputable sources like the United Nations or human rights organizations. Additionally, you can explore specific case studies or reports that highlight instances of gender-based violence in different countries to gain a deeper understanding of the issue.

2. Racial Discrimination: Racial discrimination is the unfair treatment or marginalization of individuals based on their race or ethnic background. This example is important because racial discrimination has long-standing historical roots and continues to persist in various forms today. To explore this topic further, you can study the history of racial discrimination, examine current events related to racial inequality, or read academic articles and studies on racial biases and systemic racism.

3. Freedom of Expression Suppression: Suppression of freedom of expression refers to governments, organizations, or individuals preventing people from expressing their thoughts, ideas, beliefs, or opinions freely. This example is significant as it directly affects individuals' ability to speak up, advocate for themselves, and participate in public discourse. To delve deeper into this issue, you can explore case studies of countries or individuals facing restrictions on freedom of expression, read reports from human rights organizations, or seek information on specific laws or policies that limit this fundamental right.

Remember, to gather accurate information and stay up to date with the latest dynamics of human rights violations, it is crucial to refer to credible sources such as international organizations, academic sources, and reputable news outlets.